Of Chains and Meaning

I have been thinking about meaning lately. In one of our classes, a teacher remarked that Viktor Frankl inspired people in the way he was able to give meaning to his suffering, that got me thinking as well. Life is all about perception, the way you see the world. Luckily for Viktor Frankl, he was smart enough to have practiced this until he broke free from his chains, literally.

As of the moment, my chains come in the form of projects. TONS and I mean TONS of projects. Their rate of increase has overpowered my my rate of progress. And to tell you the truth, I have not the professional enthusiasm to carry this on (Dr. Watson, Sherlock Holmes). 

Well, okay. I'll start off by giving this suffering meaning. If I manage to complete all of these tasks at hand, they will surely bring me one step closer to finishing this pressure cooker of a program. I've started this, might as well end this. And like all of knowledge, once a concept is understood, a whole new level of comprehension is reached (Mckellar, D.). Yes, yes, that seems highly motivational. I'm in it for the learning, not for the grade. Yes, I will do this!

Who am I kidding? 

At least I get to flaunt these chains.

Photo by:
Brian Loquias


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