We All Die

We all die, this is certain.

My grandfather died when I was just 8 years old. I read once that children couldn't fully comprehend just how real death is. They know that someone is dead but they couldn't understand that the dead is gone forever. Fifteen years later, I've lost my other grandfather and a cousin. 

Most of us don't want to die, especially not in a way we don't want to.

They all died of sickness. I think that it's a cruel way to die like death due to accidents, calamities, murder and torture. Am I the only one who thinks so? If so, pardon this 23-year-old kid for wanting to think that every person deserves to die a natural death.

Death is terrifying and sometimes, life is too; but taking a life that isn't yours to take to begin with is even more terrifying.

Our neighbor was brutally murdered by her own husband as he was consumed with jealousy and illegal drugs. Witnesses say that her own child tried to piece her back together as her internal organs were dangling out of her body. The seventeen-year-old Kian delos Santos whose last words were "Please stop, I have a test tomorrow," was shot twice in the head.

Kian didn't deserve to die at such an early age, nor did our neighbor deserve being killed by her high husband. It is so easy to see that both killings are unjust yet some of us choose to deal with these deaths by name-calling, taking advantage of the situation, passing the blame - who're the kids now? Maybe we're all just children after all.

Most of us don't want to die, especially not in the way we don't want to.

"How would you like to die, Tyrion, son of Tywin?" as one of a famous show's main characters was asked. He replies, "In my own bed, with a belly full of wine and a maiden's mouth around my cock at the age of eighty."

We all die, this is certain but please, let's help each other live until eighty. 


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