Ms. TC Diaries

If there was a talent of mine that I'd brag about, it would be my magical ability to dream. And my dreams are anything but small. 

The photo above shows the crown I got from winning Ms. TC 2013. It was such an unexpected victory, seeing how much I was busy the night before and all. I was up the whole night for projects and homework to be passed on the day of the pageant, I rushed to get my nails done and got late for final rehearsals. I never expected anything close to first runner-up. 

The notebook underneath is what I call my dream journal. Do you happen to have one too? Well I suggest you get one because man, it works wonders. Any notebook will do. You just have to be capable of fearless, ambitious dreaming. Two years ago, I made a list of things I really wanted to achieve. I wrote in number 2, " want to be a beauty queen." Days after our council president announced I would be representing our department for Ms. TC, I wrote on the first pages of my dream journal... "Ms. TC Material." And here I am now sharing how my dream was realized!

I started to work toward this dream, even to the point of practicing my walk in heels while having a Thermodynamics book on my head! Whenever my book falls, I read a page off of our assigned chapter. There were challenges along the way and I couldn't have done it without the help of my friends and family. 

This experience encouraged me to dream some more. This definitely is not the last of my dreams, I've still a hundred pages to fill after all. 

Photos are by:
Wayne Lorenz Tandingan
Today's Carolinian
Stephen Suico


  1. Inspired by your dream journal! Gonna make one knowing that, like you, I'm also gonna face the real world soon and must be positive enough to fulfill my dreams.



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There are two reasons why I do this: 1.I like to write and 2.I like to dress up.